When most people talk about your "core" they are focusing on just the abs.
But there's so much more to core!
Abs = transverse abdominus, obliques and rectus abdominus, but what about the rest?
What you really should be thinking about is the entire torso and how it works as a team to stablise the body, spine and limbs.
It's important not to forget the lower back muscles, the muscles around the shoulder blades and the glutes.
Meet the Core team:
Let's look at a full core workout:
Abs: Swiss ball crunch, prime plank
Lower back: Back extension, reverse hyper-extension,
Scapula & friends: Chin-ups, face-pulls
Glutes: Hip thrust
***For a full explanation of these exercises and how to make them right for you, just pop in and see me***
Put your attention on the rear chain of muscles at the back of the body as well as the abdominal muscles, to develop a strong and balanced core.